Friday, October 14, 2005

Continuing with our Halloween string of posts...

Seriously. What the hell is up with Halloween = SLUT? Granted, I'm not really one to complain but anything short of being a virgin (no more!) means I am not afraid of sexy nurses. I remember back when even the prettiest girls in grade school would dress up as the most hideous witches. Or maybe the occasional princess/fairy. However, that changed in high school/college. Gone were the halcyon days of disfigurement and horror, in were the costumes of cleavage, ass, and hoochie. Yes, it was utterly terrifying. Terrifying to approach them, as their uterine walls may devour me. With BIG TEETH.

But what happened in those years? Yes, girls got shapely but where is the imagination? The fun? the true meaning of Halloween? The male side of me totally appreciates the "HURR BEWBIES HURR" of it all, but in all honesty I really appreciate an awesome monster as well. I once met a girl as a positive pregnancy test. Utterly horrifying. It was smart, and it was scary, granted she was no monster but she also didn't flop her butt cheeks out of her pants. It's something I see every week/weekend at bars, clubs, on the street/on campus and I'll be the first to admit it; I'm a horny guy. But I'm also a huge supporter for Halloween and the original "Oh no ghosties!" roots. Yeah, my costume isn't that terrifying, but only because my SO does not have any desire to be near me that night should I make it. (Like I said, I'm a horny guy).

I do enjoy the female form, but maybe just maybe, we can get a moratorium on the scantily clad clothing? (Unless you're a naked ghost like the girl from "Thirteen Ghosts" or Katie Holmes's character from "The Gift") I understand it's one night, it's something you aren't so it's ironic that you dress up that way, but seriously. I want to be terrified on Halloween, not turned on. I want to be scared well, and scared often. Or outright creeped out and fascinated by the horror. And while I'm at it, t-shirts that say "This is my Halloween costume" are really getting tired. The joke was funny the first 500 times. Show me something new, something cheesy. Oh well, here's to tomorrow. Guys, don't think you're off the hook on this one too. You know which ones I'm talking about, the guys all done up along the same vein as the vixen females in some way or another. That stuff isn't scary either. Creepy and scary are not always mutually exclusive.

Thanks to the people that still do their makeup and put their scars on; you guys rock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hear Hear!

Excellent point my friend.

I don't know why Halloween = SLUT!

I myself, don't feel comfortable doing that. Nor will I. I will be going as a "Single Person."

I'm a genius, I know. :)