Thursday, October 13, 2005

T-minus a couple of weeks and counting 'til that most glorious time, Halloween. It is when I get to dress up and leave myself behind for one night. Putting on someone else's skin, and parading around as I feel that person should be. It is amazing how brave I feel when I can channel someone else, whether it was the Statue of Liberty or a doctor that was born with a dolphin face. There was always something appealing to me about ditching the mundane life that I had lead up to that point for something make believe, an image and character that I created. And people ate it up. If I was in a mask I could say hi to anyone, talk to anyone, act like an idiot on a dance floor and it was cool. Cloaks and other coverings only enhanced to the faux mystique that I exuded. Maybe once in awhile it would even be a *gasp* girl that fell into conversation with me. It didn't matter what I was, or that no one could guess what the hell I was dressed up as. All that mattered was I felt proud and comfortable. Ironic that it took me pretending I was something else and totally hiding who I was regularly. I would draw a parallel to Superman, but I don't have the cool powers.

I've always loved Halloween for that mere fact. That I did not have to be me, and by nightfall I would be transformed. It applies mechanics from some of my favorite genres of film and television. I once read an article about the Japanese fascination of transformation to a greater power as displayed in Anime: Kenshin's turning into the Battousai, Dragon Ball Z's Super Saiyans, even the Transformers taking everyday vehicles and making them huge awesome robots. Nothing is as it seems, and I let that be my guide for Halloween. I do try to frighten and I do get caught up in being spooky, but mostly it is about NOT BEING HERE. I feel as if I'm channeling the persona I'm assuming, acting, putting on a show. Yes, that one Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode used this little item for an episode, and that is why Joss Whedon is awesome.

So the important thing here is that with one day I do not have to assume the face and troubles of all the personalities that I use on a daily basis. Those masks and particular habits take the night off. For one great night, I transform and roll out... into a pirate.

Now pass me my eyepatch and sword, ye who travel these seas best prepare to be boarded.

This is a plea for people to enjoy themselves responsibly and intelligently.

Thank you to everyone that's reading ;)

1 comment:

Rhys said...

Love this! You write so well, and I know EXACTLY what you mean about Halloween! That's why I love it so much too. I was thinking about that Buffy episode today! :)