Monday, September 17, 2007

Now I remember...

This past weekend I subjected myself to the phenomena known as "clubbing." The place? Crobar. The time? 11ish. The fun? Meh!

Seriously, it was one of the nicer looking places I've been to. Reasonably spacious, good looking crowd, dark, even some kickin' beats. Was it a be-all end-all good time? Not for me. I've never been a person who feels comfortable or does well in a club. I've been told it's a state of mind. I don't feel like picking girls up in places like that, I'd much rather try in a bar or some other setting where... I don't know... I can actually talk to the girl. The loud music, the requirement for first appearances, having to resort to mind-fuck manipulation, it's too much work and involves too much planning/preparation. I suppose I'm jumping the gun, not thinking about the act of interacting but instead focusing on the outcome and future of doing that. Considering what a waste of time it is between myself and whoever I'd be trying to pick up.

Whatever, I was there for a birthday anyway. The place was a once-in-a-while deal, but I'll stick with my guns. Which right now remain holstered, all the same.

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