Saturday, October 06, 2007

The game....

Seriously, is it really that easy? I gave women a lot more credit. I've heard about Players and this Game that they run. Insult first, come up with an icebreaker, summon forth a positive memory or thought to associate with yourself... O RLY?

Please tell me the long lost art of saying "Hi" is not lost. At least, not yet. A buddy of mine swears by this. He does it almost every time we go out; he'll try and run some method or another on a female. And it usually works! I hate to admit it but he just might have a point. On a random note: A writing sample? Seriously?! Maybe I'm outraged because I struggle so much with talking to girls. Hating on guys who follow this mythical playbook? Absofuckinglutely. It's inane, it's manipulative, and it's the reason why I gave my ex a longstanding suspicion of men as a separation present.

I like just saying hi and working magic from there. It's always a risk approaching someone, anyone especially when it comes to hoping they acknowledge you in that special "Let's get nekkid" kinda way. I want to say it doesn't come down to a simple formula of actions and steps. Sure it takes practice and quick thinking in action but the tool still exists for a tool to use.

I'm a romantic when it comes to this stuff, and I'm sure it doesn't apply to all women. Maybe they do initially have an attraction depending on the way the guy makes his approach and I just see it as sleazy because I know what they're doing. Ok, ultimately a woman digs a man with confidence, which I can't argue with. Who would want to deal with a guy who can't stand up straight? It could be that having a plan and a tool puts these guys in the mindset a woman finds awesome. It's not the approach but the practitioner. Whatever it takes to get someone to work up the nerve, right? Ah well, knock yourselves out people. Maybe social darwinism'll kick in and you guys have enough rope to hang yourselves.

1 comment:

Rhys said...

Dude! Did I actually finally FIND you?!